Medicom- 1/6 RAH C-3PO(TM) / RAH R2-D2(TM)
一直都有在收集星戰的1/6系列, 所以很期待Sideshow或是M記等大廠會出C-3PO 跟 R2-D2的人偶,好不容易終於等到了, 之前還很擔心C-3PO的上色問題, 看完了以下的影片, 頓時煩惱全無, 最令人驚喜之處就是添加了led的效果, 如果大貨有這等的品質真的是可以收貨了.
Breaking news! Test shots of the ultimate C-3PO and R2-D2!
They’re exactly like the props! Medicom Toy asked Gentle Giant to help them make the prototypes for this 1/6 scale duo.
The droids C-3PO and R2-D2 appeared in all 6 films in George Lucas’s “Star Wars” saga, one of the most monumental science fiction film series of all time. And now Medicom Toy has announced that they will be releasing them in 1/6 scale! We’re bringing you the first ever shots of the toys’ unpainted prototype test shots. These two will be released as part of the RAH (“Real Action Heroes”) line, and are a collaboration with America’s Gentle Giant Studios, famous for its 3D scanning technology. Gentle Giant’s Karl Meyer and Medicom Toy’s Tatsuhiko Akashi have indicated that this is a major project for them, with the goal of getting as close as possible to the actual props, so it seems certain that these will be a big step forward from past Star Wars toys. And since they’re made in the same scale as the other figures in the RAH line such as Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader, you can put them all together to recreate your favorite scenes! The release date is not yet set, but we’re certainly looking forward to seeing painted production samples.
He looks like he stepped right off of the silver screen.
You almost expect him to start walking!
In his life after being built (at least part way) by the young Anakin Skywalker, this hapless protocol droid would end up in pieces over and over again. As with R2-D2, this figure does not have an inner body. The finished product will have light up eyes and be covered in gold chrome from head to toe.
Incredibly detailed 1/6-scale craftsmanship.
And he lights up!
Some say that this little astromech droid is the true protagonist of the Star Wars saga. R2-D2 is the most heavily merchandized character in Star Wars, but this figure by Medicom toy has a level of quality that will make it stand out in the crowd.
The head features red and blue LED lights. They plan to weather the body’s paint job as well.
R2-D2, who even had a small cameo in this year’s “Star Trek,” has legs that have been faithfully reproduced down to the cords on his feet, and are moveable just like in the film. The center leg is spring-loaded and can be locked in place inside his body, allowing you to recreate the many scenes in which R2 stands on two legs.
“Our goal was to recreate moving props just like you saw on screen.”
We talked to Medicom Toy CEO Tatsuhiko Akashi about what went on behind the scenes of this long-awaited project.
Q: You’re finally going to be releasing C-3PO and R2-D2.
A: It all started when we were talking with the product planning team. Now that the Star Wars market is quieting down a little bit, we thought we should try putting out something that would really make people sit up and take notice. When we were thinking about what that might be, the idea of working with Gentle Giant Studios came up. They’re top-class sculptors and have even worked on Lucasfilm projects. However, they’re very busy so we weren’t sure if they would be able to help us out. Plus, Sideshow Collectibles distributes our products in the US, and they’re one of Gentle Giant’s competitors. So we timidly put in an offer, unsure of how it would turn out (laughs). Luckily, we’ve had a relationship of mutual respect with them for some time, and they quickly said that they would be happy to help. We talked with Gentle Giant over and over, staring with the very first prototype, and also enlisted the Japanese sculptor “MOTOR KEN” to help. And now we finally have these test shots finished. If things keep going as they have been, these should turn out to be quite impressive products.
Q: It sounds like you achieved a sort of synergistic effect by combining your two companies’ strong points. What was Medicom Toy most concerned about during the development of these two products?
A: We really wanted to make these feel like the props that you saw on screen. That extends to the moveable parts – we wanted to make sure that the parts that moved on screen would move, and the parts that only move a little bit (like C-3PO’s elbows) would not. At the same time, we also wanted to ensure that the characters’ endearing qualities and humor would come through. For example, R2-D2’s middle leg can go up inside his body and he lights up. Instead of making “action figures,” it was more like we were trying to make movable armature props. In that sense, these are probably closer to the 1:1 scale Jack Skellington figure that we released in December of 2005.
Q: What plans do you have for future development?
A: 2010 will mark Medicom Toy’s 10th anniversary producing Star Wars products, so we have a number of exciting things planned. Personally, I really hope that they’ll make some more live action Star Wars films. I’m sure a lot of people would be pleasantly surprised if J.J. Abrams and Bad Robot would reboot Star Wars like they did with Star Trek (laughs).
A message from Gentle Giant to Japanese fans!
“Both Medicom Toy and Gentle Giant are proud to stand behind these products.”
Gentle Giant is proud to play a part in the creation of these amazing products, and we were also happy to get the chance to work with our good friends at Medicom Toy. As we worked with Medicom on the R2-D2 and C-3PO RAH prototypes, we couldn’t help but be impressed at the clear vision they have for their products. We did our best to do our part by giving Medicom access to classic archive images, the latest digital models from Lucasfilm, as well as our scan data of the original R2-D2 and C-3PO costumes and parts to make these as accurate as possible. The reputations of Gentle Giant, Medicom Toy, and Star Wars itself stand behind these products, so we worked night and day to make sure they would get done right. We hope that the fans and collectors will add these to their collections and treasure them for years to come.
這次的成品基本上可以說是三間公司合作完成的, 聽說是史上可動玩具中最接近1:1原型C-3PO跟 R2-D2的玩具. 務求做到完美. 負責協助M記開發的公司是Gentle Giant, 此間公司非常不得了, 曾經協助Lucasfilm開發他們戲中的電影道具, 而M記此次的產品發售夥伴則是Sideshow, 偏偏這間公司又剛好是Gentle Giant的死對頭, 竟然也願意破天荒的三大公司攜手合作出品, 驗證了商場上沒有永遠的敵人跟朋友這句話. 當然最幸福的莫過於我們這些玩家啦, 這麼難得的作品, 喜愛Star Wars的朋友更是不容錯過.
Breaking news! Test shots of the ultimate C-3PO and R2-D2!
They’re exactly like the props! Medicom Toy asked Gentle Giant to help them make the prototypes for this 1/6 scale duo.
The droids C-3PO and R2-D2 appeared in all 6 films in George Lucas’s “Star Wars” saga, one of the most monumental science fiction film series of all time. And now Medicom Toy has announced that they will be releasing them in 1/6 scale! We’re bringing you the first ever shots of the toys’ unpainted prototype test shots. These two will be released as part of the RAH (“Real Action Heroes”) line, and are a collaboration with America’s Gentle Giant Studios, famous for its 3D scanning technology. Gentle Giant’s Karl Meyer and Medicom Toy’s Tatsuhiko Akashi have indicated that this is a major project for them, with the goal of getting as close as possible to the actual props, so it seems certain that these will be a big step forward from past Star Wars toys. And since they’re made in the same scale as the other figures in the RAH line such as Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader, you can put them all together to recreate your favorite scenes! The release date is not yet set, but we’re certainly looking forward to seeing painted production samples.
He looks like he stepped right off of the silver screen.
You almost expect him to start walking!
In his life after being built (at least part way) by the young Anakin Skywalker, this hapless protocol droid would end up in pieces over and over again. As with R2-D2, this figure does not have an inner body. The finished product will have light up eyes and be covered in gold chrome from head to toe.
Incredibly detailed 1/6-scale craftsmanship.
And he lights up!
Some say that this little astromech droid is the true protagonist of the Star Wars saga. R2-D2 is the most heavily merchandized character in Star Wars, but this figure by Medicom toy has a level of quality that will make it stand out in the crowd.
The head features red and blue LED lights. They plan to weather the body’s paint job as well.
R2-D2, who even had a small cameo in this year’s “Star Trek,” has legs that have been faithfully reproduced down to the cords on his feet, and are moveable just like in the film. The center leg is spring-loaded and can be locked in place inside his body, allowing you to recreate the many scenes in which R2 stands on two legs.
“Our goal was to recreate moving props just like you saw on screen.”
We talked to Medicom Toy CEO Tatsuhiko Akashi about what went on behind the scenes of this long-awaited project.
Q: You’re finally going to be releasing C-3PO and R2-D2.
A: It all started when we were talking with the product planning team. Now that the Star Wars market is quieting down a little bit, we thought we should try putting out something that would really make people sit up and take notice. When we were thinking about what that might be, the idea of working with Gentle Giant Studios came up. They’re top-class sculptors and have even worked on Lucasfilm projects. However, they’re very busy so we weren’t sure if they would be able to help us out. Plus, Sideshow Collectibles distributes our products in the US, and they’re one of Gentle Giant’s competitors. So we timidly put in an offer, unsure of how it would turn out (laughs). Luckily, we’ve had a relationship of mutual respect with them for some time, and they quickly said that they would be happy to help. We talked with Gentle Giant over and over, staring with the very first prototype, and also enlisted the Japanese sculptor “MOTOR KEN” to help. And now we finally have these test shots finished. If things keep going as they have been, these should turn out to be quite impressive products.
Q: It sounds like you achieved a sort of synergistic effect by combining your two companies’ strong points. What was Medicom Toy most concerned about during the development of these two products?
A: We really wanted to make these feel like the props that you saw on screen. That extends to the moveable parts – we wanted to make sure that the parts that moved on screen would move, and the parts that only move a little bit (like C-3PO’s elbows) would not. At the same time, we also wanted to ensure that the characters’ endearing qualities and humor would come through. For example, R2-D2’s middle leg can go up inside his body and he lights up. Instead of making “action figures,” it was more like we were trying to make movable armature props. In that sense, these are probably closer to the 1:1 scale Jack Skellington figure that we released in December of 2005.
Q: What plans do you have for future development?
A: 2010 will mark Medicom Toy’s 10th anniversary producing Star Wars products, so we have a number of exciting things planned. Personally, I really hope that they’ll make some more live action Star Wars films. I’m sure a lot of people would be pleasantly surprised if J.J. Abrams and Bad Robot would reboot Star Wars like they did with Star Trek (laughs).
A message from Gentle Giant to Japanese fans!
“Both Medicom Toy and Gentle Giant are proud to stand behind these products.”
Gentle Giant is proud to play a part in the creation of these amazing products, and we were also happy to get the chance to work with our good friends at Medicom Toy. As we worked with Medicom on the R2-D2 and C-3PO RAH prototypes, we couldn’t help but be impressed at the clear vision they have for their products. We did our best to do our part by giving Medicom access to classic archive images, the latest digital models from Lucasfilm, as well as our scan data of the original R2-D2 and C-3PO costumes and parts to make these as accurate as possible. The reputations of Gentle Giant, Medicom Toy, and Star Wars itself stand behind these products, so we worked night and day to make sure they would get done right. We hope that the fans and collectors will add these to their collections and treasure them for years to come.
EB-風雲變色, 正所謂成也風雲, 敗也風雲!
今年令人吃驚的商品人偶不少, 跌破眼鏡的商品也是一個接著一個來! 沒多久才因為HT的鋼鐵人整個1/6的同好們吵得沸沸揚揚, 但好在整體素質及商家敢負責的態度總算平息了整件事, 沒想到接下來就輪到去年因為發佈風雲人偶消息得到大家肯定的EB出事. 本來小弟也是打算收下這系列的人偶的, 不過不知道為甚麼好死不死一直都沒很積極的去預購此商品(應該是因為別家廠牌的玩具一直出, 每個月都要列清單而漸漸忘記這件事..) 總之就這樣我算是因粗心而躲過了這場風波吧, 前陣子EB因為出的HD高畫質半身像質感不佳加上風雲又遲遲不發售讓大家大失所望, 後來因為步驚雲的推出獲得好評才又拉回聲勢的, 如今卻又因為聶風貨不對辦再惹大家公幹, 真是成也風雲, 敗也風雲壓. 搞到連本來想預購鬼武者的我都嚇到不敢出手, 看來這年頭還是等現貨才是真正的王道, 寧願到時多付點意外險(炒價)也不想拿到手上的商品自己都認不得﹦﹦. 總之壞的評語我就不說了, 一來我沒看到實際的商品不便多說, 二來該說得各大討論區也都說夠了, 想說的話也跟上篇相去不遠吧. 廠商要了解說再多動聽的話也比不上實際的行動來的有說服力, HT雖然每次出事說出的話都不是很動聽, 最起碼他們有用行動證明肯負責任, 希望EB也能跟進好好對待支持他們的買家.
同樣也是由Toysdaily的hohotiga大所提供的照片, 想細讀他的文章也可以到這裡. 很明顯的這次的貨真的是不對辦, 沒想到一開始大家最看好的風師弟卻意外的讓人跌破眼鏡, 說真的要不是他穿的戲服, 我還真認不出他是哪位? 只能祈禱接下來EB將發售的人偶能夠避免這樣的狀況發生, 免得又再度傷害到支持者的心.
在寫這篇文章的時候, 無意間剛好去看了一下Toysdaily的討論, 得到EB那邊最新的回應, 據說五月中會讓已經購得聶風的朋友們領取新的頭雕, EB也算是肯負責任的態度了, 希望這件風波會因此而結束, 畢竟EB還是1/6圈子裡很不錯的廠商, 期許他們經過此事件後能吸取經驗更上層樓.
同樣也是由Toysdaily的hohotiga大所提供的照片, 想細讀他的文章也可以到這裡. 很明顯的這次的貨真的是不對辦, 沒想到一開始大家最看好的風師弟卻意外的讓人跌破眼鏡, 說真的要不是他穿的戲服, 我還真認不出他是哪位? 只能祈禱接下來EB將發售的人偶能夠避免這樣的狀況發生, 免得又再度傷害到支持者的心.
順便Po一下我本身很期待的兩件EB預購商品, 真是期待又怕受傷害壓.
在寫這篇文章的時候, 無意間剛好去看了一下Toysdaily的討論, 得到EB那邊最新的回應, 據說五月中會讓已經購得聶風的朋友們領取新的頭雕, EB也算是肯負責任的態度了, 希望這件風波會因此而結束, 畢竟EB還是1/6圈子裡很不錯的廠商, 期許他們經過此事件後能吸取經驗更上層樓.