YJ PROJECT custom figure- 1/6 無限住人 Blade of the Immortal (萬次)

說要介紹它已經說了快兩年了....== 真是很慚愧, 一直沒有兌現之前的承諾.

這次的介紹會維持往常的模式, 先從包裝開始然後最後才到人偶本身. 廢話不多說, 去圖!


首先我們先從盒子包裝開始評分, 這並不是我第一隻韓國手工人偶, 不過它卻是我第一次買到有真的所謂包裝的手工人偶, 之前買的手工人偶都是很簡便的方式來處理. 以自製品來說, 我給這款作品的包裝很高的評價. 人偶跟配件都是放置在泡綿中, 觀感上來看更覺得像是一件藝術品. 盒子部份簡單清楚, 上頭寫著YJ Project Figure, 搭配本身盒子的紋路, 質感整個顯現出來. 隨盒還附贈了一張保證卡並有簽名, 更添加了收藏的價值. 卡上寫著Art is Long, Life is Short字樣, 應該是想要表達作者的藝術價值觀. 我給包裝打得分數是: ★★★★四顆星

接下來到了人偶的本身. 我們先從頭雕看起. 基本上作者並沒有完全的跟從原著來製作頭雕, 但是即便如此它還是充滿了原著的神隨. 除了有萬次一貫從容的表情跟添增了擬真性, 感覺像是漫畫人物活了過來.我給頭雕的分數是:★★★四顆星

素體方面, 由於作者改造過了素體, 為了讓外觀美化, 因此犧牲了可動. 但由於YJ在肌肉上下了很大的工夫, 完全表達出擬真素體的樣子, 所以可動上的犧牲我是可以理解的. 大家可以從照片上看到手臂和腳甚至胸的部份, 作者的雕工真的出類拔萃, 在當時那個年代來說, 這樣的技術是非常震撼的. 甚至到了現在我都還沒看到如此精細的肌肉雕刻運用在12"素體上面. 不過以現今的技術要突破應該是指日可待. 我給素體打得分數是: ★★★★1/2四顆半星

接下來是配件的部份. 既然是作萬次, 可想而之萬次配件一定爆多, 萬次這個角色最獨到之處就是身上一堆武器. YJ也把該有的武器都真的給做出來了, 武器總共有6種, 還送你一隻煙斗(另外腳上的草鞋也是很精緻-有附上圖片). 不過由於武器很脆弱, 所以小弟自行買了市面上販售的1/6無限住人武器篇的武器給萬次使用, 一來好把玩, 二來武器是金屬作的更增添質感. 把所有武器放在一起架在武器展示台上, 魄力十足. 我給配件打得分數是: ★★★四顆星

最後要評比整體玩具的素質, 不過以這款作品來說它已經超越了玩具的價值, 以玩具的標準來評比其實怎麼給分數都不合理. 於玩具面來給分我會給:
★★★四顆星(因為要考慮到把玩的問題所以只給四顆星, 此玩具的材質很脆弱, 所以不是屬於可以長久把玩的作品), 但是於藝術方向來給分我則會給:★★★五顆星

如果我當時一拿到這款玩具就馬上來給它評分, 我想絕對是滿分的狀態, 事隔兩年才來評分, 是有點不公平的, 因為兩年的玩具水平是有很大的起伏, 但即便如此, 這件藝術品仍舊超越市面上大部分的玩具. 光是塗裝就贏過一大票的人偶玩具, 更別提雕工了.這件作品在剛推出時有很多人抱怨價格太昂貴, 但是以現在量產玩具的價格來看, 這件作品當時喊的價錢其實是很公道. 更何況這件作品全是人工製作, 這樣的價錢老實說作者也沒賺多少, 以一隻製作所花費的時間來計算, 真的賺的不多, 幾乎跟打零工沒兩樣. 能收到這件超值神物我真的很開心也很幸運.

Hot Toys – MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Hot Toys – MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure Specification

~ MMS Series ~

A brave and kind-hearted hero with a strong sense of justice, morality and righteousness. An American cultural icon, a fictional personality and a movie character.
Amid high anticipation, Hot Toys is proud to present the 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure from the classic superhero movie Superman in 1978. The movie-accurate Superman collectible is specially crafted based on the image of Christopher Reeve in the movie, highlighting the authentic head sculpt, movie-accurate costume and detailed figure stage imitating the Fortress of Solitude.

The 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure specially features:

- Authentic and detailed fully realized likeness of Christopher Reeve as Superman in the Superman movie
- Real-like facial expression with detailed wrinkles and gesture
- Detailed hair sculpture
- Approximately 30 cm tall
- Newly sculpted muscular body with over 30 points of articulation with extra forceful upper body as in neck and chest

- Three (3) pairs of interchangeable palms including:

■ One (1) pair of relaxed palms
■ One (1) pair of fists
■ One (1) pair of palms for fighting

- Each piece of head sculpt is specially hand-painted

Costume :
- One (1) set of costume in Superman style including one-piece blue costume with Superman logo in chest, yellow belt, red triangular-shaped pants and red cape

- One (1) pair of red boots

- Specially-made figure stage imitating the Fortress of Solitude
- Figure stand with Superman nameplate and the movie logo

- Head Sculpted by Arnie Kim
- Head Painted by JC.HONG
- Head Art Directed by YULLI
- Body Sculpted by Joseph Tsang

**Limited Edition Green Kryptonite with metal chain will be offered to Hot Toys’ special channels

A portion of this collectible figure’s sales benefits will be donated to the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation by Hot Toys Limited.

Release date: Q4, 2011

** Prototype shown, final product may be slightly different

TM & © DC Comics.

Medicom-RAH GANTZ 玄野計

Hot Toys 1/6 Superman THE MOVIE -Superman

Good news for Pirates fans!

真恐怖, EB X Medicom才剛發佈消息, HT馬上就加料. 希望HT也能把頭巾改成布作的, 那就是完美中的完美了.

Dear fans, we are finally delighted to unveil our long-planned and value-added accessory "The Black Pearl in a Bottle" just after the movie is officially launched, which will come with our Captain Jack Sparrow Collectible Figure! Some fans may be asking where Angelica is. Besides Captain Jack Sparrow, we are more than happy to announce that we will be launching the collectible of another key character Angelica too! What's amazing is that she will come with the pair of chalices as bonus accessory! Fans, please don't miss it!

What's more, we are pleased to let you know that the smiley face, which is another interchangeable face of Captain Jack Sparrow, will be coming up soon! We will definitely keep our fans posted. Please stay tuned!

ENTERBAY X Medicom-《Pirates of the Caribbean4》Jack Sparrow

終於出現了, EB X Medicom的Jack Sparrow!

アルティメットユニゾン No.05
UU ジャック・スパロウ
衣装製作 秋元 みえこ

1/6 The Beatles 1964 Fab Four set by Spenser