Threea- 1/6 4 years young (四周年紀念品)

Miss掉之前單鼻的人, 今天絕不能錯過!


4 short years

It has been nothing but a great 4 years for me at 3A, the challenges, the toys, the books, the people all make for memorable and exciting time. I still remember the for NOM sale like it was yesterday! To celebrate the 4 years of 4A, tomorrow we will release the 4th NOM, a 3AA exclusive. The 4th NOM harks back to the original NOM de Plume release in colors, but is based on the new NOM foot soldier design (all parts are new). Also tomorrow we release NOM27, the first NOM Disciple release ! 4 years on and I have not really even scratched the surface of WWR!

So from me, and all the great folks at 3A THANKS, but you will have to excuse me, I have another 4 years to get on with !