Square Enix x Kenny Wong (kennyswork)

沒想到真的是跟人偶造型師合作的遊戲, 難怪會覺得角色很眼熟阿.

Square Enix has officially revealed what its "Gun Loco" trademark is about. Stay with us, here: it's an Xbox 360 game, due next year, about a planet full of brutally insane (or "loco," if you will) criminals, okay? And they have firearms.

Gun Loco is set on a prison planet (which, for some reason, has Earth-like ruins throughout) where the universe's worst criminals are left unsupervised. The prisoners have created different factions, and are locked in constant warfare. In game terms, this setup translates to a shooter for up to 12 players, set in seven different climate zones and several different maps.

Artist and toy designer Kenny Wong is behind the look of the game, with characters literally based on action figures. Each character was created by hand as a toy, then digitally imported into the game. That's game design loco.

Gun Loco GamesCom 2010 Trailer

Playge1/6新品: Rat

挺有趣的潮偶, 現在的1/6市場真是精彩, 花樣百出壓, 也給了收集的人更多的選擇性.


Playge新品: Rat --三眼鼠
PLAYGE RAT [Playge Version] Release Info:
The release date is set for Monday, AUGUST 23, 12:00 noon - Central Time
The webstore for the release is located here> Playge – PLAYGE RAT

Additional infoz:
PLAYGE RAT [Playge Version]: Limited to 150 pcs, 12" fully articulated figure. includes: 3 piece suit, 2 sets of hands+1, SPAS 12, Bandolier, Stiletto, and Push-Button Action-Tongue.
Price: $140 USD - this includes worldwide shipping via FEDEX or EMS
Please allow 6 weeks for shipping.

Paolo Parente's Dust 系列

今天要介紹的是有出品1/6原創產品的插畫家-Paolo Parente. Paolo對我來說就像是西方版的橫山宏, 為甚麼這麼說呢, 因為兩人的創作題材都跟二戰有關. 他跟Ashley Wood一樣都是從事插圖跟漫畫工作. 他有幫過知名的Magic卡片遊戲畫過插圖, 也幫過漫畫出版社Dark Horse, 繪畫過Starship Troopers, 甚至參與過之前3A販售過的角色漫畫Judge Dredd and Slaine for 2000 AD.

有很多人並不知道Paolo早期的時候還曾經是一名"Fashion Designer", 他自從畢業於義大利的時尚學院(Istituto Marangoni)後, 就幫義大利很多重要的知名品牌做時尚設計. 直到有天他才覺悟自己想要走的是Fantasy Art, 一個真正能讓他自由創作的世界.

PS. 其實他的玩具作品比3A還早就面世, 不過一直都不是太多人知道他, 所以想說好好推廣他一下希望能讓更多人知道這號人物的存在.

以下是他的一些作品, 請好好欣賞.

下面的雖然不是1/6的產品, 卻是我非常喜歡的一些Dust系列的模型產品.

1/6潮偶-Team AZ

最近發現的韓國人偶品牌-TEAM AZ, 自己還挺喜歡他們的人偶, 頭雕很有自己的風格.

